Welcome to School Year 2024-2025!
Thursday, September 5th is the first day of school for students.
In order to increase students' reading comprehension and expressive language skills, teachers will strengthen students' understanding of phonemic awareness and phonics.
Teachers will use explicit modeling and exemplars to strengthen students' knowledge and understanding of key ideas and details and evaluation skills.
Math Schoolwide Focus
To increase student’s fluency and automaticity with numbers and operations. Support students with making connections.
Mathematical Practice (MP1)-Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Habits of Mind Focus - Persisting
Persevering with a task through to completion; remaining focused. Searching for ways to reach your goal when stuck. Not giving up.
PS148Q Vision and Mission Statement
PS 148Q is a culturally diverse community school that is committed to working collaboratively with families and educators to help build a community of lifelong learners, providing all students with what they need, one individual at a time. We will make it possible for our children to be college and career ready.
Our mission is to be a community school that exemplifies the best in teaching practices, by providing equitable access to all students, enabling them to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally in a culturally responsive classroom. This will empower all students to become strong, educated, well-rounded contributing members of society. We are committed to working collaboratively with families and educators to continue building a diverse community of lifelong learners.
School Secretaries - E-Mail
Devin Benjamin DBenjamin2@schools.nyc.gov
Angela Smirniotis ASmirniotis@schools.nyc.gov
Our Administration
Ms. Yolanda Harvey
Mrs. Anna DeLisse
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Judith Sommer
Assistant Principal
NYJTL - New York Junior Tennis & Learning
Edwin Carrera
​Community School CBO
Coalition for Hispanic Families
Ericka Chavez
President /Presidente: Jorge Godinez
Secretary/Secretaria: Maria Zhumi-Vega
Treasurer/Tesorera: Maitland Clarke
Contact our PTA office at 718-898-8181 ext 1571
PTA email - D30Q148PA@schools.nyc.gov
Join Us on FB : PS 148 PTA
Free Tutoring Available
Please be aware there's Free Tutoring available and it's conducted remotely in many different languages. The tutors are from NYC high schools. If you are interested visit Learning Pals and be sure to click on the top where it says Parent to sign up for tutoring for their child.
Tenga en cuenta que hay tutoría disponible gratis y se realiza de forma remota en muchos idiomas. Los tutores son de las escuelas secundarias de la ciudad de Nueva York. Si está interesado, asegúrese de hacer clic en la parte superior donde dice Padres se inscriban para recibir tutoría para su hijo.
District 30 & P.S.148Q The Ruby G. Allen School
Committed to Education
​We recently celebrated a major milestone for the Save for College Community: more than 10,000 kindergartners, first-graders and second-graders across School District 30 now have college and career savings accounts for their future.
This is offered to all K to 3rd grade students, no matter the family's income or immigration status. If you are interested, please visit the NYC Kids RISE website for more information on the program and watch their introductory video.
If you have any questions about the program and how to get started, contact me your Parent Coordinator Lramos28@schools.nyc.gov or NYC Kids RISE at 833-543-7473 or via email at info@nyckidsrise.org.
Esto se ofrece a todos los estudiantes de jardín de infantes a tercer grado, sin importar los ingresos de la familia o el estado migratorio. Si está interesado, visite su sitio web NYC Kids RISE para obtener más información sobre el programa y ver su video introductorio.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el programa y cómo comenzar, comuníquese conmigo con su coordinador de padres Lramos28@schools.nyc.gov o NYC Kids RISE al 833-543-7473 o por correo electrónico a info@nyckidsrise.org.